
The Body Shop Deep Sleep Pulse Point Balm

Summer evenings can be challenging when it comes to winding down and getting to sleep.  With darkness not coming until nearly 10pm, and a 3 1/2 year old little boy who likes to keep going until the last drop of daylight, my bedtime routine takes a bit of a beating.

Typically I like to be in bed early, giving my body time to relax and decompress from the day before feeling tired enough to close my eyes.  This usually takes about an hour, and with a later bedtime these days I've often wished I was one of those who just crashes the moment my head hit the pillow.

Suffice to say, with the Body Shop's Deep Sleep Pulse Point Balm, I actually become that person.  From nearly the moment I apply it to all my pulse points, behind my ears, and a little above my lips, I'm dozing off to dream land.

My son has discovered it's natural relaxing properties as well, and has begun requesting I apply it for him each night too.  If you or your little ones have trouble getting to sleep at night, I highly recommend giving this product a try.

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